LLC "ASPEKT" for several years successfully represented products under the trademark "Pyromania", which is primarily associated with pyrotechnics. Due to the fact that the range of products we offer significantly expanded, it has become closely within the framework of "Pyromania". We are grateful for this mark-to-market with goods for the holiday, but it's time to say goodbye to the "pyromaniac" - in 2014, we bring you a brand «Partymania», which combines our old and new products for the holidays and carnivals. The packaging of most products in this catalog, you will see the old logo "Pyromania", but all the goods to be ordered by us in 2014, will be released under the brand name «Partymania».
«Partymania» — is a range that is different from the usual bored assortment of goods for the holiday. The slogan of the brand «Partymania» — «Beunusual!», Which is why this brand we offer only those products that we believe are interesting, modern, "neizbity." Packing all goods originally developed by our designers for sale in supermarkets. On our product you will not see any labels: the information is applied by printing letters on architectural design of all the packages in full accordance with the requirements of the legislation. Our products are sold very well in the Christmas season, but they are also relevant in the departments of goods for a holiday throughout the year.
After a lapse of several years, we note the increasing interest in our products for the holiday — they firmly taken its place in the areas of sales, primarily Christmas goods, leading retailers of the Customs Union and Ukraine? Kazakhstan. For the best presentation of the goods we have developed commercial equipment for various formats in which the goods may be delivered directly to the stores. This greatly simplifies the logistics and allows you to set the goods anywhere in the store without taking up shelf.
We welcome cooperation with wholesalers and retailers from around the world and will be glad to offer you the goods as from our warehouse in China and Russia.
Other products offered by the group of companies "Target" that will help make your life brighter:
- «B&H» — New products: garlands, pneumatic and spring firecrackers, candles and much more.
- «Baffy» — products for the entertainment of children in the bathroom —
colored foam, paints, coloring the water tablets and more.
- «Fiolento» — products for the preparation and decoration of festive table.
- «GlOS» — LED lights and other products for illumination.
- «Partymania» – non-pyrotechnic entertainment products for the holidays, carnivals and holidays.