Under the brand GLOS offered mainly products for the holiday based on the use of LEDs. Some products under this brand are not incorporate LEDs - tsvetoplamennye candles, but have to do with Christmas lighting. From the very beginning we decided for themselves that the products under this brand will be unique, different from others available on the market. The slogan of this brand - Illumination Expert, respectively, we offer under this brand only those products that meet the "expert" quality, that is deeply thought out in terms of usefulness to the buyer, it is clear feed aesthetics and beauty packaging, the quality of performance of the product itself. The product itself is made on the basis of the use of advanced LED technology, as well as if he recognized us, "neizbity" that is, not previously available on the market or product completely independently invented by us - many products are unique in the market.
For the best presentation we have developed trade equipment for different sizes of stores, in which goods may be delivered directly to the stores - this greatly simplifies the logistics and allows you to set the goods anywhere in the store without taking up shelf.
We invite both wholesalers and retailers from different countries - can be supplied from a warehouse in Russia and modular containers directly from China.
Other products offered by the LLC "ASPEKT" that will help make your life brighter:
- «B&H» — New products: garlands, pneumatic and spring firecrackers, candles and much more.
- «Baffy» — products for the entertainment of children in the bathroom —
colored foam, paints, coloring the water tablets and more.
- «Fiolento» — products for the preparation and decoration of festive table.
- «GlOS» — LED lights and other products for illumination.
- «Partymania» – non-pyrotechnic entertainment products for the holidays, carnivals and holidays.