B&H |
LLC "ASPEKT" is a wide range of products for the holiday under the trademark "W & H". This catalog presents the range of products for the Christmas holiday under the name H & B. Also, under the name B & H produced goods for the summer holiday and entertainment
Products under the brand H & B - are goods, which are familiar, familiar, does not require the majority of complicated explanations, advanced instruction, expensive packaging. Products offered under the name H & B, most buyers demand both common and understandable, and we are imported in bulk.
Under the brand H & B offers products:
- Has reasonable latitude in the subgroup range to choose
- developed with clear instructions
- in the package, allowing lossless sell the goods in supermarkets
- only proven quality
On our product you will not see any labels or on the product or on the packaging - all required by law information, pictograms, explaining to customers barcode stores in the production are applied to the product and packaging, in-store product comes fully ready for sale and it meets all the requirements, from the unit price and the ending of the transport box.
For the best presentation we have developed commercial equipment for different sizes of stores, in which goods may be delivered directly to the stores - this greatly simplifies the logistics and allows you to set the goods anywhere in the store without taking up shelf.
We welcome cooperation with wholesalers and retailers from around the world and will be glad to offer you the goods as from our warehouse in China and Russia.
Other products offered by the LLC "ASPEKT" that will help make your life brighter:
- «B&H» — New products: garlands, pneumatic and spring firecrackers, candles and much more.
- «Baffy» — products for the entertainment of children in the bathroom —
colored foam, paints, coloring the water tablets and more.
- «Fiolento» — products for the preparation and decoration of festive table.
- «GlOS» — LED lights and other products for illumination.
- «Partymania» – non-pyrotechnic entertainment products for the holidays, carnivals and holidays.